The Lincoln Years

Expansion, Success and Burnout

As with all of his other start-ups and moves, the move to Lincoln centered on the location, size and relative cost of the building. In Lincoln, on the main highway that went through the town, Jim found a perfect match for his growing companies needs. What had once been a two-story grain warehouse in the small Sacramento valley town fit the bill perfectly. The move proved fortuitous as the business began to grow. By this time the Kellison Fiberglass Manufacturing Company was offering multiple car products made from the lightweight material. Eventually the Lincoln plant would grow into three separate locations around the small town. It would come to produce a varied output of products, including formula V racing cars, dune buggies, bucket T's, dragster bodies and frames,  ski boats, hot tubs and shower stalls to mention a few, all made out of fiberglass.

Jim Formulav_solo U528
Jim's formula V race cars. He and his team took these out on the formula V circuit for several years running.

Trying to maintain all of this kept Jim busy 6 days a week. He managed to spend Sundays with his growing family, which by 1966 included a daughter, Robin. The Lincoln years were an incredibly intense time for Jim and represented both the zenith and eventual downfall of the Kellison Car Manufacturing Company.  By 1970 Jim’s company was embroiled in a lawsuit with the Internal Revenue Service. The combination of the lawsuit along with the stress from years of both building and managing his company had left Jim tired and burnt out. At the conclusion of the lawsuit he took a much needed hiatus from the fiberglass business.

Catalogue cover from the 1960's. By this time Jim's business was offering a large selection of products for sale. Everything from dune buggies, to boats and even hot tubs and shower stalls, all made from fiberglass.

Speed Boat and Dune Buggies
Kellison Drawings